Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 46- "A victim of the times"

Hey there folks.

Thanks to all those that have kept up with the story thus far. There is more to come.
Just to let everyone know we like so many Americans have succumbed to the ravages of the economy.
We are in the process of losing our home of seven years. As our economics change so must we...fear not we have set up other house.  But moving requires time and effort and I'm sorry to say the "Chronicles of IRTH" may suffer in the mean time.
I am working on at least two more story lines after this story arch. I think you will enjoy them.
I'm trying out somenew formats and experimenting with color.

I'd like to give Champion City Comics a shoutout, thanks Kav for your comments on the strip so far. Here's their web site Check it out when you get a chance. Kav, I'll take your comments and make changes as necessary, except the cliches...sorry, I like them I know they're corny roll your eyes and groan but continue reading please.

In the next couple of days  I'll be posting some "how -to" stuff. Just so you can see how I put "Chronicles" together. I hope you like it.

Finally, I enjoy telling stories. It's been work, but nothing worth while is ever easy. It has been fun and I have learned alot. Every aspiring artist should try this (their own web page). I'll try to get back on track as soon a possible. Please be patient and thanks to those have been supportive. As always, comments are always welcome, positive and negative! It's how we grow.

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