Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Little Break..

 Hey Everyone - Unexpected intermission. I had planned a transition to a new story at this juncture. I had ten pages drawn, inked, and ready to color...My plan was to finish the first story at a later date. After ten pages of the new story artist block set in and the new story got muddled and it just didn't feel right. The more I struggled with it the more it "didn't feel right." I prayed and prayed about it and the urging was always "tell current story" it's not time for the next one.

Reluctantly, very reluctantly, I relented and went back to the first story. To be honest I wasn't happy about it. I think the other story is contemporary and I liked the artwork. I soon as I committed to go back to the first story the block lifted. But my fourteen week buffer vanished. So I am trying to catch up. 

The story will resume shortly. Thanks for everyone's comments. Even the one's that say they are bored. Most everyone is enjoying the story and thanks for the support. The readership continues to grow so praise the LORD for that!

Thanks again, everyone. May the Lord richly bless each of you and your families.


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