Friday, October 16, 2020

Lady Liberty was Assaulted Yesterday


Yesterday Liberty was assaulted. It was assaulted by a group of corporate entities and owners who have decided that the public square is not an open forum. They decided what information you and I get to have access to. They decided to shut down an entire group of sites on Google/You Tube)and social media accounts on Facebook/Twitter because the owners decided you don’t get to determine for yourself if some information is true or not. They censored us, the public. They call themselves platforms to gain access and control the public square but, in reality they have set themselves up as publishers. They want the power to control. They want to control your words, your speech and your thoughts! We as people can't allow them that power. We must speak out.

 My political and social views may differ from yours and for me that’s OK. We may not agree on many things or even anything. But I will always come down on the side that says you should be able to express your views without penalty as long as you are not advocating violence or denying someone else their liberty without due process. At the end of the day we can agree to disagree. But that’s not what happened yesterday. Our choice “to know” was denied to us. Our Liberty was assaulted, regardless the reason, no one’s right “to know” or decide for themselves should be abridged.

 I am not naïve. I know many of my readers live outside to United States and I know you live under many political realities that don’t give you the same opportunities as I have living in the United States. I will remind you all that my ancestors also came from tyrannical regimes and had to fight for their liberties as well. As an American, censorship (freedom of speech) is intolerable… in any form! Censorship expands, unless it’s crushed! Censorship gets crushed when people continue to speak out. People need to speak out.

This is me, a simple storyteller, speaking out. I needed to speak out to save my liberty and maybe just maybe; I can help you with yours. May God continually enrich you and your families. Where one person goes, we all go!

 The Spivey Starestraight stories will continue as long as you my readers continue to view them and platforms will post them. Thanks.


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